I wish her mom was here to see her beautiful daughter finally in love.
I am spending the entire weekend in Bangor with my daughter and husband and I am psyched!
I am so amazed by the goodness and long suffering of the Lord.
I read Luke 24:13-53 this morning. Seeing how Jesus revealed Himself to the disciples and gave them His Holy Spirit to be witnesses to the lost and dieing world. I need to be filled!
I get to see Kelsey for the first time in 3 months tonight.
She is getting married next month! Still can't believe that one either...
I get to see my sisters also and I am very excited.
My poor baby girl decided to cut a tooth this weekend... UNFORTUNATELY!
Bad timing Riley.
We are staying at a hotel tonight...with a hot tub...in the room...YES!
last night was the first time Riley slept through the night and the first time i got to not get up every four hours with her.
The Lord is so good.