Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Lord is working!

Well i guess i dont have the time or energy to make this sound well written or anything but i have to tell you all that I am so amazed at how the Lord is working in Greg and I's life as of right now.

it looks like He is leading us to Calias to start a church.

We are so young and feel so inadequate but He is greater than our weakness and past failures. I am so thankful that God does not need us to do His work but He desires to use us. What an amazing truth that is!!! If you think of us please pray. Pray for guidance and sensitivity to His leading. Pray for a building and possible another couple to join us in this work. We are going to need a GOOD brother and sister to support and uphold us. And we need accountability. I feel like it is all happening so fast and I am so excited to see how the Lord wants to work in us.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

My brain as of now

I have a romping headache! I just want it to be bedtime. I am exhausted due to having a 9 month old (those of you who are moms can sympathize)

Today is mothers day and as I have recently become a mom I am still used to making some cheesy card for MY mom. and dont really think about the fact that I now am participating in the celebration of being a mom. Well its official now I am a mom. Gregory blessed my heart today so much! He surprised me with a dozen roses and the most beautiful card I have ever seen. Most of them are lame and so general but this one was wonderful. I am so thankful for him.

*I did not expect anything today at all.

Greg is at church tonight I wanted to go but cant because we were out all day and Riley did not take a good nap.

The team that went to Honduras are sharing tonight I so badly wanted to go!

Also now that my sweet daughter has gotten older and to the point where she is uncertain around people she is not used to I have not been able to do anything or go anywhere with out her! I love her and dont want to leave her but can a mom just sit through one service? LOL

I am not trying to complain at all just sharing some of my thoughts.

Happy mothers day.